Saturday, December 19, 2009


Hi there i have been so busy with family prep for Christmas and birthdays i need to give out a few will have read it here first then facebook tomorrow then the web store monday....I turn 50 on Dec. 24th I am giving a party--and you are all invited-- a week long SALE Party!!! i really wish it was 40 everything but heidi's kits are 40% off. Dec. 20-Dec 26th!!!! enter code go2009 it will automaticly be deducted. 
please pass the word and let everyone know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ReneeK said...

Woo-hoo! Happy birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

My dear friend-
I'm so glad a good portion of your 50 years (your stunning!)have been shared with me! Happy Birthday! Hope your day is great and full of HAPPINESS! Are you getting your L.R. furniture? I know you were looking forward to the search for the perfect grouping. I'll call you later. love Amy