Saturday, November 14, 2009

rejuvinate & create

the believe video and the 5 one are so speaking to/from my heart....we as woman use so much energy living we sometimes run low...and we have to find ways to renew our selves--the types of messages in these videos help me...spas can be so expensive...crafting can be overwhelming....but so rejuvinating! so lets get together and REJUVINATE & CREATE --where a group of woman will get together ...share refreshments do a card for free then at a small fee you can choose to have a galvanic spa facial ($15--good deal) and/or a project ($15) with an inspirational message.( it could be a mini album or canvas, etc) ....renewing the person with-in and out...with no work on your part and for little complicated hostess plans... receive your spa facial and/or do the project for free, provide some refreshments and invite your friends. my house or yours...

i am going to do 2 sessions Sat Dec. 5; 2-4pm or 7-9pm